Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Accident Incident

February 17th was NOT a great day. Unfortunately, on the morning of that unbelievab;y foggy morning, two big rigs decided to play tag. This guy, travelling too fast in the fog.....

hit this guy, who stupidly tried to cross a highway at an uncontrolled intersection in blinding fog.

The result was the first truck veering out of control into the lane of oncoming traffic and slamming in to me...totaling my beautiful "sugar."
The impact was headed directly for my driver's sode door. But, as you can see, I turned hard right, trying to maneuver out of his way, and took the impact just behind the door and all the way down the rear quarter panel. Thank God and my guardian angels on my side that morning.

I walked away with only minor injuries, a slightly more paranoid passenger demeanor, and a minor fear of the fog. The picture below were taken the day of the accident. There is bruising to my abdomen and shoulder/chest a mysterious bruise to my forearm....I call it an angel thumbprint....what do you think?
A day later (white shirt) the bruising to my shoulder is more apparent. But, after one week, you can see that the bruising is healing up. By about 2-2 1/2 weeks all the physical bruising was gone.
I am very thankful for the many blessing that I have. I have developed a new and keen awareness of the truly important things in life. I am so very thankful for my beautiful family,, the health of those I love, and my amazing husband. Everything else is icing.

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